Join me daily for workouts that will help you feel stronger, get fitter, melt away fat and leave you feeling amazing!

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  • Your online fitness studio designed just for women.
  • Workout at times to suit you or join me live.
  • A community that supports and motivates you every day.
  • A mixture of classes to suit all ages, levels of fitness and abilities.
  • Strengthening, Conditioning, Toning, Stretching, Core & Metabolism Boosting
  • Feel strong, tone up and burn fat!

My Time for Change®

  • Introducing my online nutrition and wellbeing programme for women over 45
  • Empower your wellbeing as I share my easy to absorb, non overwhelming education and expertise alongside lifestyle coaching and support that gets you the health results you’re looking for.
  • Actionable advice, knowledge, meal plans, recipes, and that can transform your hormones, energy, shape mood and mindset.
  • Learn how specific foods and combinations can transform your hormones, mood, energy, and even help tackle conditions like Arthritis and IBS.
  • If you’re tired of conflicting diet advice, if you’re not seeing results, if you’re struggling to keep control your ever-changing body, if menopause is making you feel miserable & frustrated… perhaps this is YOUR time for Change.



A super effective fat burning workout. Designed to shape, sculpt and boost your metabolism. Create a lean, toned body and a strong core. Low impact. Suitable for all ages and abilities.

As a fully qualified personal trainer, I have many years of experience and am well placed to create a bespoke comprehensive programme to enable you meet your particular personal training goals. 

Click image to find out more

High Intensity bodyweight only Interval training. It’s about improving, power, speed, strength, stamina and endurance.

Wednesday 6.30pm
30 minutes Live in Zoom or in the EWFit Club

Interval based, weight based, full body activation, resistance training session. Using a combination of bodyweight & weights. Moves can be high impact or low impact, this is a high intensity workout.


Mondays 9.15am
30 minutes LIVE in Zoom
OR in the EWFit Club

Low impact, not necessarily low intensity, but you can work at your own level and moves can be adapted.  Highly effective total body workout using a combination of bodyweight exercises, along with weights of your choice for added resistance and challenge.

Thursdays 6.30pm
30 minutes Live in Zoom or in the EWFit Club


Focusing on deep and functional stretching.  Improving your mobility, balance and working on tight hips, hamstrings, spine, shoulders & core.  A slow, controlled full-body conditioning class.

Wednesdays 7.10pm

30 minutes Live in Zoom or in the EWFit Club

Thursdays 9.30am
FACE to FACE Delamere Park (residents & friends of DP only)  OR in the EWFit Club.

What People Are Saying...

people talk

What my customers say…

Your continued enthusiasm and encouragement - plus the ever changing exercises and gentle pushes to do more is down to you. Your classes are fun - which means we come back for more - so thank you!
Tone & Target
Really appreciate the online classes, get such a lift and feel so much better after. I try to put into practice the good advice and hopefully things like my poor posture are improving. Thanks again for your super professional help and it's lovely to see a happy, friendly face.
Emma is so uplifting! Whatever mood I’m in she always manages to lift me! I absolutely love her mini workouts, she’s a mind of information & shares it well.
Workout of the Day
Emma’s online classes over the past 6 months have really helped keep my fitness levels up, along with maintaining some sort of normality and routine! I even managed to persuade my fiancé to join the zoom room! Worth very muscle ache!
HIIT Body Weight
You have been my inspiration for soo long now - thank you. Plus I’m very glad you stayed online. My gym in the hall works really well!! See you tomorrow evening for kettles.
My Time For Change with Emma has been a complete revolution for me in the way I feel about myself. Emma has the ability to help anyone who wants to achieve better eating habits and more importantly achieve a more healthy mindset, which in my case impacts on what I eat or drink.
My Time for Change

A super effective fat burning workout. Designed to shape, sculpt and boost your metabolism. Create a lean, toned body and a strong core. Low impact. Suitable for all ages and abilities.

As a fully qualified personal trainer, I have many years of experience and am well placed to create a bespoke comprehensive programme to enable you meet your particular personal training goals. 

Click image to find out more

High Intensity bodyweight only Interval training. It’s about improving, power, speed, strength, stamina and endurance.

Wednesday 6.30pm
30 minutes Live in Zoom or in the EWFit Club

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